Choosing my favorite Bukowski poem. (An almost impossible task.)

It’s not easy but this one knocks me on my ass every time I stumble across it (as I did tonight). Upon first reading, you might think it’s dark and defeatist. But it’s not. To me, it’s a poem of perseverance and fortitude.

* * *

a consistent sort

at the track
the other day
during the
stretch run
the announcer screamed:

I had a bet on
Pain and
he finished
one half-length

he didn’t win
that time
but he will
win soon
and you can
bet on that
again and
again and

get down

9 thoughts on “Choosing my favorite Bukowski poem. (An almost impossible task.)

  1. hope your brother-in-law is recovering. but you’ve left me confused: throwing out your back “in a bad way” can mean either he’s in a terrible world of hurt, OR he was doing something nefarious when it occurred…

  2. . . and to think, after I’m gone,there will be more days for others, other days,other nights.dogs walking, trees shaking inthe wind.I won’t be leaving much.something to read, maybe.a wild onion in the guttedroad.Paris in the dark.

  3. daisy: Even though they’ve been married a millions years, she’s still my sister and I’m not even going to THINK about that.nurse: Touché! Another great one. That guy’s got a million of themPat: Bukowski is not for everyone. Tread lightly.

  4. I’m not really fan of Bukowshi. For some reason his work just never manages to touch me. Anyway, might be coming to NY in June/July. Since everything isn’t confirmed, I’m fighting the urge to email you and ask, “List the 10 things I have to do in NY. And do you think we can meet up?”

  5. MIT: You can throw some Tom Waits onto the fire, as well. Don’t forget the whiskey.SY: Hi, there! As Charlie reminds us, he will win again and again and again. Onward through the pain and fog!Sid: Actually, I have a blog meet-up this Wednesday night! I’m always happy to show off my town. Send me the details as soon as you get them. Is your trip for business or pleasure?

  6. Wow I never had a blog dedicated to me…lucky guy. Just because he makes your ribs. He hurt it walking the beach we think; no chandelier swinging. Sorry daisyfea it wasn’t something more exciting…MT

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