
One minute I’m living in the epicenter for the heroin trade in NYC, the next I’m commuting from the dark recesses of New Jersey. It all happened so quickly. What hit me?

I’ve got two daughters but absolutely no clue whatsoever what constitutes proper parenting. I’m doing the best I can, for Christ’s sake. My Bride has asked to be left out of this space and I have to respect that. As for The Daughters, they don’t get a say in the matter.

Every apartment building in New York City has one craggy old bastard who is renting the biggest apartment for the least amount of money. Everyone is anxiously waiting for him/her to drop dead so they can pounce on the real estate. My aspiration was to become one of those craggy old bastards. Somewhere along the way I took a detour and I’m now ensconced in New Jersey.


It’s all a matter of perspective.


43 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: And the Award for Most Terrifying Toilet Goes to… | Tip of My Tongue

  2. Pingback: The Results Are In – Hand Me The Envelope Please | Stuphblog

  3. Pingback: Group Therapy: February « HACKER. NINJA. HOOKER. SPY.

  4. Pingback: Free-For-All Friday | Stuphblog

  5. Pingback: Sometimes I Really Think I Can Fly | Vanessa-Jane Chapman

  6. Pingback: Group Therapy: February - Aussa Lorens

  7. I am from Cleveland and saw your comments on food and Thanksgiving. I am not sure my comment got next to yours. But I wished to tell you that I also love kielbasa, potato pierogies and my brothers make delicious feasts. For breakfast, I sometimes have scrambled eggs, kielbasa with onions and hash browns… Our stuffing is made with 90% lean hamburger grilled in little broken pieces in a big pan, with onions, sage and celery which then is added to a stick of butter, which melts and my brother who makes cornbread in his bread maker breaks up the bread and stirs it in this highly seasoned and moist mixture.
    I wish I could say we include sausage in our stuffing but we didn’t get that memo! Smiles, Robin
    I am a friend of Mark’s and have a good friend, who I met in fourth grade, who went to college out East in the state of New Hampshire, who is now ‘exiled in New Jersey,’ for Life!!

  8. Hi Mark – Just started following you thanks to Amy Reese! I’m still living the life in the sprawls of Cleveland – have you visited the CLE lately? It’s quite the place to be these days…esp since we got The King back and all, and we have a guy named Johnny Football now, too – just in case you didn’t know. But Dennis Kucinich still lives here (I think)

    • Hi Kelly! Thanks for stopping by. My family is still in Clevo. I’m the prodigal son. I visit a couple times a year. I love that place! LeBron, Johnny F, the GOP convention and, don’t forget, a casino thst was once a department store!

      • Well I’m glad to hear you are up to speed on things then. That’s a relief – just had to set things straight. Hope I didn’t offend with my snarkiness about Mr. Kucinich…maybe not since you did mention the GOP convention šŸ™‚

  9. Hi Mark,
    I’m not American so my only impressions about New Jersey come from movies and I think it was Miss Congeniality. I think I get the gist. I used to live in inner Sydney about a ten minute walk to work in the CBD in a loft apartment in a converted warehouse. It was $5.00 to get a taxi home from my favourite drinks spot on Friday night. I knew it wouldn’t be forever then but never foresaw the whole suburban thing and kids, dogs and just the struggle to juggle so many balls at once especially when you’re a bit unco and really struggle with two balls let alone any more.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and I look forward to reading more xx Rowena

    • Hi Roweee. Oh…wait…I owe you one more. e. There you go. Why four?

      There are a lot of NJ stereotypes that are based in reality, sadly. Some of the preconceived notions you have might be a bit blown out of proportion, but I don’t doubt you’d find some familiarity. Your pre-suburbs lifestyle sounds a lot like the kind of thing I once aspired to. But you get caught in a snowball rolling down the hill and you don’t have a lot of control over where it ends up. We should form a support group.

      Tomorrow is Australia Day! Have a happy one.

      • The story behind Roweeee goes back to my early twenties trying to get an email address which wasn’t taken. I just kept adding e’s until I could get an address. I liked it for quite awhile as I could picture myself screaming out “Roweeee” as I swung across the room swinging by a chandelier very much in the manner of Tarzan swinging through the jungle. Besides, a rowdy party is a different kind of jungle.
        Don’t know what we’d call our support group…Life after kids?
        Best wishes, Rowena

  10. Hey there! I’ve been enjoying your writings for some time now, and so I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award. Hope you accept! šŸ™‚

  11. Pingback: Love-Hate Challenge, from my heart | Mark Bialczak

  12. “Somewhere along the way I took a detour and Iā€™m now ensconced in New Jersey.”

    Well…. not everyone’s perfect šŸ˜‰

    Use to live in NYC decades ago for a bit and don’t remember much except it was winter and cold.

  13. Great to see you featured on Discover, Mark. You always produce great content, and it’s a pleasure to read your stuff and see your photos. On that note, sorry have missed your latest posts, been absent from blogland in general for a bit. Hope you’re well – and congratulations again!

      • Nope, nothing unsettling at all. Think of the thing that’s the exact opposite of bad, and that’s what I got going. Feel free to e-mail for more details.

        In the meantime, enjoy the attention, I hope a lot of new people come around and read you.

  14. I tried to answeer your welcome comment but my new computer thwarts me endlessly. Just to say how happy I was to hear from you – you are alway so kind about my wrtiting and I’m determined to finish before I pop my clogs. All good wishes to you and the family.

Vent Central: